"Fear is Not My Portion!"
At best; when experienced fear is a Warning Sign.
It provides an alert.
Giving the perception that something ahead is potentially harmful.
Fear as a notification tool should be momentary, a temporary experience.
Fear should NOT be a persistent state.
2 Timonthy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of sound mind.
Brothers and Sisters, Family’s, nations and tribes: to arrive to a breathly and daily existence of fear is not the will and desire of the God and divinity within us.
Yet, despite this, fear has become the currency of this transactional world.
So what say we? What say Us? About this fear that has consumed our souls?
For if we believe the word that we declare from our pulpits and finger tips as I do now, “God has not given us the spirit of fear; but the
power of love and a sound mind”.
Where are our minds planted?
Where are we planting our seeds?
Where have we set our sightlines?
Are we consuming fear?
Are we planting and transacting upon fear?
Is fear what we see and experience on our sightline?
If the answer is yes; don’t be dismayed.
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear”.
God has given us The Power of Love.
God has given us a Sound Mind.
Our Sound mind is God’s gift for us to share his gift of the power of love.
Fear is Not My Portion!
Love Is!
Fear is Not God’s Portion!
Love Is!
Where are our minds planted?
Is your mind planted in Love?
Where are we planting our seeds?
Are you planting seeds of Love?
Where have we set our sightlines?
Is your sight set on Love?
Are you consuming fear or love?
Are you planting and transacting upon fear or love?
2 Timonthy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit off fear; but of power, and of love, and of sound mind.